Sunday, September 9, 2012

Joseph Snyder Call

I had an interesting call from Joseph Snyder: sevenohseven-sixtwofour-nineeightsevensix. He is my cousin Ja'Nell's son and called because he wanted to clarify some information about the old Sargent family photos Ja'Nell recently sent to me, and to ask some questions regarding my genealogy search efforts into the Sargent family. It turned into a very informative conversation involving a great many ancestors, many of whom each of us knew nothing about. He shared detailed information as to important dates, marriages, activities and subsequent arrival in the Catahoula Parish Louisiana area. It was enlightening to say the least. I believe the information I provided him was also useful. He promised to email and mail additional information that I might find interesting. I'm sure it will help to fill in the many blank places in an increasingly complex timeline of a prolific family that heavily involved themselves in the creation of the early United States of America dating back to the American Revolution. Most likely, I will have to revise the names and dates of some of the photos in my previous post. But having correct information is extremely important when tracing the history of one's family. Needless to say, I will be eagerly looking forward to any information he shares with me.